I hinted at it with the newsletter launch, but things are now official. I'm starting a review team! Read all about how it works here. If you're a member of the team, you'll be able to read upcoming books free and before anyone else in hopes that you will leave a voluntary review upon the book's release. Joining does require an existing amazon or goodreads account.

If you're interested, the first step is giving me a way to get in touch with you by signing up for the newsletter. During sign-up, be sure to check the box that says you're interested in review opportunities, and provide your amazon or Goodreads review account information. If you don't know how to find your Amazon or Goodreads review account url, see the guide here.

If you're already signed up to the newsletter but didn't indicate you wanted to review books or didn't provide your reviewer account, you can update your subscriber information by clicking here.

Also, while I'm still building up the review team, books that are open for new reviewers will appear on the review team guidelines page, where you can sign up directly. Once the team fills up, this may change.

Every new book launch is only as exciting as the people you share it with! I hope you'll want to be a part of it with me!